Blue and Orange Modern Home Care Service Animated Social Media - 1

What we stand For

Reliable Care, Heartfelt Connection

Our Mission
The Agency's mission is to provide professional and paraprofessional services to consumers in their homes assisting them to achieve the highest level of potential in their day-to-day self-care activities. We are committed to providing high quality, multidisciplinary care by professionals who recognize the need for comprehensive assessment of needs from both the consumer and professional's point of view.
Our Vision
We strive to be one of the leading providers of a wide range of quality home care services, recognized for enduring dedication to provide innovative, professional, and compassionate care to the communities we serve.
Our Philosophy
Our goals and services are based on two fundamental philosophical principles: the belief in the innate worth of the aged and disabled individual and the belief that each individual, regardless of age, race, color, creed, sex, national origin or handicap(s) is entitled to maximize his potential as a human being and as a member of society.
Our Policy
It is the policy of the Agency to admit and care for all consumers without regard to race, color, national origin, or religious creed. The By-Laws of the Agency comply fully with Section 601 of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and with state human relations legislation. The Agency agrees to comply with the provision of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all requirements imposed pursuant thereto. To that end, no person shall, on grounds of race, sex, age, color, national origin, sexual orientation, religious creed, ability to pay or DNR status or disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or otherwise, be subjected to discrimination in the provision of any care or service.
Our Approach
Our partnership approach to home care ensures your loved one’s needs are always a priority and always greeted with a smile. You can trust in your loved one’s health, happiness, and care thanks to our talented and compassionate caregivers. We concentrate not only on their physical condition but also on their mental well-being so they can receive the best possible care. We believe home services are an essential part of continuing care/service to consumers in their place of residence, home services minimize the effects of illness, accident, or disability.
Our Believe
Our agency recognizes the intrinsic worth of aged, diseased and/or disabled persons. We believe the contributions of these persons are no less important than the contributions of other members of our society. We recognize that these persons are entitled to retain or regain their maximum participation in society. We also recognize that the aging process is an unavoidable part of life. We understand chronic disease and disability may be part of that process.

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